Power Plate pro7HC


Healthcare professionals have successfully used the vibration technology behind Power Plate to manage a variety of disease states and rehabilitating conditions and the Power Plate pro7HC (Healthcare) is designed specifically for the needs of medical facilities and treatment centers.

The pro7HC comes complete with patient-friendly integrated LCD touch screen video programs focused on neurological health, pain relief, and other common conditions. Equipped with an integrated heart monitor and embedded multidirectional cables, range of motion tracking, and a real-time variable resistance (power output) display, the pro7HC makes assisting patients both easier and more efficient.

Whether you’re looking to address neurological-based conditions, physical pain, or more general health issues, the pro7HC is a valuable addition to any wellness practice.

Healthcare professional have found success using Power Plate’s vibration technology to help their patients with a variety of conditions, including:

– Idiopathic peripheral neuropathy
– Osteoporosis
– Multiple sclerosis
– Parkinson’s disease
– Cerebral palsy
– Rheumatoid arthritis

  • Increase Bone Density
  • Burn More Calories
  • Improve Muscle Recovery
  • Improve Circulation
  • Improve Flexibility
  • Activate More Muscle Fibers

10 in stock

SKU: PP-pro7HC Categories: ,


Color (Standard): White
Dimensions (WxDxH): 38in x 46in x 60in
Platform Dimensions (WxD): 38in x 33in
Weight: 430lb
Power Supply: 100–240V, 50/60Hz, Nominal Power: 160-265W, Universal Voltage
Maximum Load: 500lb
Stabilization System: Advanced Stabilization and Compensation System
Operating System: Android
Upper Display: 4-wire Capacitive type touch screen with 10.1” 1920×1080 resolution LCD display
Vibration Settings: 0-8 (with 27 sublevels of intensity)
DualSync™ Twin Motor System: DualSync Twin Motor System maintains precise balance at any frequency and amplitude level, allowing perfect synchronisation of vibration for maximum muscle response and efficiency
proMOTION™ Dynamic Vibration Technology: Three-position tension adjustment; embedded with modular attachment option
Frequency: 25 – 50 Hz
Time Selections: 0-9 minutes (15 second increments)
Heart Rate Monitor: ANT+ Wireless technology
Amplitude: Low or High
Certifications: CE, PSE, MDD
Warranty: 3 years hardware / 1 year electronics / 1 year labor

Weight 430 lbs

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